adult vaccines
Immunizations are not just for children. Adults especially those 50 years or older need immunizations to help them prevent getting and spreading serious diseases. Click below to learn what immunizations are recommended for adults and when they’re needed.
immigrants and refugees
Refugees and immigrants seeking admission into the United States are required to have a medical examination. Persons applying for an immigrant visa overseas and persons applying for legal permanent residence within the United States (known as status adjustment) are required to provide proof of vaccinations as a part of the medical examination process. If they do not already have proof, they must begin vaccination. Click below for more information.
Daycare and school vaccines
State immunization laws include vaccination requirements for children in public and private schools and daycare settings. Click below to learn what immunizations are required and when they’re needed
pregnant women
Vaccines help protect you and your baby against serious diseases. If a pregnant women get an immunization, so does her baby which protects both mother and baby. Click below to learn more about maternal vaccines.
available immunization apps
There are several immunization apps available for patients and healthcare providers. Click below for a listing.